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  • 用“兽(shòu)”字组词

    兽组词及解释兽的拼音shòu兽的笔画11画兽的五行金兽的五笔ULGK兽的部首丷“兽”字的英文翻译bestial; beast, animal带“兽”字的组词猛兽,走兽,吻兽,禽兽,仔兽,兽环,兽行,...

    bianji01 2021-06-22 0 组词字典
  • 用“受(shòu)”字组词

    受组词及解释受的拼音shòu受的笔画8画受的五行金受的五笔EPCU受的部首又“受”字的英文翻译to receive; to bear; (passive marker); to accept; subjected to; pleasant;...

    bianji01 2021-06-22 0 组词字典
  • 用“售(shòu)”字组词

    售组词及解释售的拼音shòu售的笔画11画售的五行金售的五笔WYKF售的部首口“售”字的英文翻译to make or carry out (a plan or intrigue etc); to sell带“售”字的组词出...

    bianji01 2021-06-22 0 组词字典
  • 用“守(shǒu)”字组词

    守组词及解释守的拼音shǒu守的笔画6画守的五行金守的五笔PFU守的部首宀“守”字的英文翻译to guard; to keep watch; to abide by the law; to observe (rules or ritual);...

    bianji01 2021-06-22 0 组词字典
  • 用“寿(shòu)”字组词

    寿组词及解释寿的拼音shòu寿的笔画7画寿的五行金寿的五笔DTFU寿的部首寸“寿”字的英文翻译life; surname Shou; funerary; age; birthday; old age; long life带“寿”字...

    bianji01 2021-06-22 0 组词字典
  • 用“手(shǒu)”字组词

    手组词及解释手的拼音shǒu手的笔画4画手的五行金手的五笔RTGH手的部首手“手”字的英文翻译(formal) to hold; CL:双, 只; convenient; personal(ly); hand; classifier fo...

    bianji01 2021-06-22 0 组词字典
  • 用“授(shòu)”字组词

    授组词及解释授的拼音shòu授的笔画11画授的五行金授的五笔REPC授的部首扌“授”字的英文翻译to teach; to instruct; to award; to give带“授”字的组词教授,传授,授权,讲...

    bianji01 2021-06-22 0 组词字典
  • 用“收(shōu)”字组词

    收组词及解释收的拼音shōu收的笔画6画收的五行水收的五笔NHTY收的部首攵“收”字的英文翻译to restrain; to stop; in care of (used on address line after name); to acc...

    bianji01 2021-06-22 0 组词字典
  • 用“狩(shòu)”字组词

    狩组词及解释狩的拼音shòu狩的笔画9画狩的五行金狩的五笔QTPF狩的部首犭“狩”字的英文翻译to go hunting (as winter sport in former times); imperial tour; hunting do...

    bianji01 2021-06-22 0 组词字典
  • 用“獸(shòu)”字组词

    獸组词及解释獸的拼音shòu獸的笔画19画獸的五行獸的五笔獸的部首犬“獸”字的英文翻译beast; bestial; animal; beastly带“獸”字的组词風生獸“獸”字是什么意思? 【獸】...

    bianji01 2021-06-22 0 组词字典